How is your pension arranged?

When should you take action?


If you change jobs, you can transfer previously accrued pension to your new pension fund or insurer.


If you move to a country outside the Netherlands or between addresses outside the Netherlands, you can receive your pension there if you make a number of arrangements.


If you become incapacitated for work, this has consequences for your pension accrual. It is therefore important to assess the consequences.


If you become unemployed, your pension accrual stops and it is important to assess the consequences.

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If you marry, start cohabiting, or enter into a registered partnership, your partner will be entitled to a partner's pension in the event of your death.


Check once a year how much pension you have accrued in total on


If you divorce or end a registered partnership or cohabitation.

 vragen.png Contact us if you have any questions or if you make use of the action moments and/or option moments.

If you take any temporary leave, such as parental leave or a career break.