
In memory of Vincent Rot

On 20 January, our former board member Vincent Rot suddenly passed away. Vincent was 61 and, alongside playing a major role at the FUT fund, had been a member of our pension fund board since 2008. Having left the board on 1 January 2019, we still had some events lined up to wish him well when the news of his passing reached us. 


We remember Vincent as a wise and very thoughtful man. Alongside being wholly committed to the field of pensions, he was especially interested in knowing the person ‘behind the professional’. With his famous wit, he would proudly tell stories about ‘his Mariska’ and ‘his little man’, attentively listening to the same kind of stories of everyone he had a meeting with at that moment. If there were some tasty morsels on the table during the meeting, he'd utter the expression A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips and go on to relish every bite.

He was a passionate communicator within his role, even attending pension discussions with participants to make sure he truly understood their concerns. Bonbon was another one of his famous sayings, making an appearance when he was satisfied with how work had been carried out. Last year, he was the main focus of the interview for the abridged version of the board's report. The legendary words Ons pensioenfonds is klein en dapper (Our pension fund is small and brave) became the title of the interview.

Our thoughts are with his wife Mariska, his son Victor and his father, Mr Rot, at this very difficult time.

On behalf of the pension fund board,

Dirk Veenvliet