
If you are currently receiving a pension you can check your annual statement in January!

If you are currently receiving a pension, you will be sent an annual statement of the previous year each year.

This annual statement will be delivered to you with a payment specification at the end of January. Make sure you keep your annual statement. You will need information from the statement for your tax return.

The annual statement contains the following:

  • The total amount you received in pension payments from Astellas specified as gross and net amounts.
  • The wage tax, which is comprised of the total amount you paid in taxes and social security contributions.
  • The amount you contributed to the Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw, Dutch Healthcare Insurance Act).

An explanatory note will be included with your annual statement. This explains which data was used to create your annual statement.

Changes as of 1 January 2018

As of 1 January 2018, the Dutch government has adjusted two rates:

  1. Your contribution to the Zvw has been increased from 5.4% to 5.65%. You pay this percentage on your pension income up to an amount of €54,614. This increased percentage means that the net pension you receive decreases.
  2. The income tax will change. Depending on your income, you will pay slightly more or slightly less in taxes. You can find more information on the Money Wise website.

Our Pension Fund pays out your net pension. This means that we deduct wage tax, comprising wage tax and national insurance premium, and the contributions to the Zvw from your gross pension. What effect the changes will have for your pension plan depends on your personal circumstances.

If you have paid too much

After 2018, it may become apparent that the income-dependent amount that was deducted from your total income was too high. Your total income is defined as one or more of the following incomes: your Astellas pension, state pension, the Algemene nabestaandenwet (ANW, Surviving Dependants Act), the Wet op de Arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering (WAO, General Disability Insurance Act), the Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen (WIA, Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act), or your salary. If too much has been deducted from your total income, the Dutch tax administration will refund the difference between what was deducted and what should have been deducted. The Dutch tax administration determines this based on information they receive from benefits agencies, insurers, or employers. This requires no action on your part.

What do you have to do?

You need your annual statement to submit your tax return. If you lose it there is no cause for alarm. Your annual statement can also be retrieved from our website after you have logged in. To do so, you must log in and proceed to the Mijn Pensioencijfers (‘My Pension Figures’) secure online platform.

If have any questions concerning your pension, please contact us. Our staff would be happy to help.