
If you want to quickly check your pension, you can now do so on your mobile phone!

Almost one in four people use their mobile phone to check their bank balance, find their way, or send a message to friends. And now, you can also use your phone to check your pension quickly and easily.

Fast and up to date

This website offers a secure environment for you called Mijn Pensioencijfers (‘My Pension Figures'). This displays your current personal pension figures and your personal documents, such as your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). And now, you can also consult this information on your mobile phone.

More information

You can log in to Mijn Pensioencijfers on your computer or tablet. Alongside checking your pension figures and documents, you can use this environment to sort out any pension-related matters directly with our fund. 

Want to know more?

Log in and check your pension.