
More and more people are working past their state pension (AOW) date

Everyone who lives and works in the Netherlands is entitled to an age-specific state (AOW) pension. The state pension age is currently 66 years. The majority of people stop working when they reach this age.

However, an increasing number of people are continuing to work after reaching their state pension (AOW) age, according to Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

  • In 2003, one in thirty pensioners continued working part-time after their pension date.
  • In 2018, one in twenty pensioners continued working part-time after their pension date.

Getting by after pensioning

Some people continue working because they need the money, while others do it because they enjoy it. The size of these groups, however, remains unknown. The National Institute for Family Finance Information (Nibud) recently conducted a study to determine whether people can get by on a state (AOW) pension. The differences were significant:

  • 17% are unsatisfied with their income
  • 34% are neutral
  • 49% are satisfied

Do you want to work longer?

It's worth considering when you plan to stop working, even if you're nowhere near retiring yet.

  • You cannot change the start date of your state (AOW) pension. This is determined by your age.
  • However, you can choose the start date of your pension with our fund, although this will influence the amount of pension you receive.

Log in to the Mijn Pensioencijfers (My Pension Figures) secure portal for a statement of the pension you have accrued at our fund.


If you have any questions about your pension, please ask our employees. We'll be happy to assist you.